‚± ‚ê ‚Ü ‚Å ‚É ” s ‚³ ‚ê ‚½ ‹L ”O ‰Ý •¼ |
@Commemorative Coins issued up to now@ |
œ‘æ‚P‚Q‰ñƒAƒWƒA‹£‹Z‘å‰ï‹L”O @@@@@@(‰j‚®) @@@@‚T‚O‚O‰~”’“º‰Ý•¼ |
The@12‚”‚ˆ Asian Games Commemorative (swimming) \‚T‚O‚O@@Cupro-nickel@Coin |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ (番’†) —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
”’@“º “º@@@@@@750@@ ƒjƒbƒPƒ‹@@250@@ 7.2‚‡ 26.5mm •½¬6”N |
Coupro@nickeel Coupro@@@750 Nickeel@@@250 1994 |
œ‘æ‚P‚Q‰ñƒAƒWƒA‹£‹Z‘å‰ï‹L”O @@@@@@(’µ‚Ô) @@@@‚T‚O‚O‰~”’“º‰Ý•¼ |
The@12‚”‚ˆ Asian Games Commemorative@ijamping) \‚T‚O‚O@@Cupro-nickel@Coin |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ (番’†) —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
”’@“º “º@@@@@@750@@ ƒjƒbƒPƒ‹@@250@@ 7.2‚‡ 26.5mm •½¬6”N |
Coupro@nickeel Coupro@@@750 Nickeel@@@250 1994 |
œ’·–ìƒIƒŠƒ“ƒsƒbƒN‹L”O @@@@‚P‚O,‚O‚O‚O‰~‹à‰Ý•¼ @@@@i‚PŽŸjƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv |
Nagano@Olympic \10,000@@Gold@Coin iSeries@One) |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
‹à ƒ‹à 15.6‚‡ 26mm •½¬9”N |
Gold Pure Gold 1997 |
œ’·–ìƒIƒŠƒ“ƒsƒbƒN‹L”O @@@@@‚T,‚O‚O‚O‰~‹â‰Ý•¼ @@@@@i‚PŽŸjƒzƒbƒP[ |
Nagano@Olympic \5,000@@Silve‚’@Coin iSeries@One) |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
‹â ƒ@‹â 15‚‡ 30mm •½¬5”N |
Silve‚’ Pure Silver 1990 |
œ’·–ìƒIƒŠƒ“ƒsƒbƒN‹L”O @@@@@‚T‚O‚O‰~”’“º‰Ý•¼ @@@@i‚PŽŸjƒXƒm[ƒ{[ƒh |
Nagano@Olympic \‚T‚O‚O@@Cupro-nickel@Coin iSeries@One) |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ (番’†) —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
”’@“º “º@@@@@@750@@ ƒjƒbƒPƒ‹@@250@@ 7.2‚‡ 26.5mm •½¬9”N |
Coupro@nickeel Coupro@@@750 Nickeel@@@250 1997 |
œ’·–ìƒIƒŠƒ“ƒsƒbƒN‹L”O @@@@‚P‚O,‚O‚O‚O‰~‹à‰Ý•¼ @@@@i2ŽŸjƒtƒBƒMƒAƒXƒP[ƒg |
Nagano@Olympic \10,000@@Gold@Coin iSeries@Two) |
‘f@@Þ •i@@ˆÊ —Ê@@–Ú ’¼@@Œa ” s ”N |
Material Composition Weight‚‡ Diamenter Year of Production |
‹à ƒ‹à 15.6‚‡ 26mm •½¬9”N |
Gold Pure Gold 1997 |